Congratulations goes out to seven students from the Toshikai Dojo of Ottawa who tested on June 9th.  Our "Association of the Fighting Spirit" was indeed present as everyone performed some nice kata, bunkai, self-defense and kumite.  Janakiraman Balasubramanian, Julie Marion, Greg Saxe, Jim Roche and Andrew Tam were promoted to Rokkyu (yellow belt) and Matt Morin and Chris Barnett were promoted to Yonkyu (green belt).  Wonder of wonders, there were no injuries!!

Everyone at is pleased to announce that Hanshi Peter Carbone will be visiting Thunder Bay conducting a series of Kobudo Seminars January 18, 19 and 20th.  

For more information please click here for the poster, or click Contact Us on the left and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Members of the Toshikai Dojo of Ottawa recently travelled to New Jersey to compete in the Isshin Ryu Don Nagle Memorial Tournament. Led by Sensei Shane Hale, our little dojo fared particularly well against the Americans. Chris Barnett placed first in kumite and second in kata in the Yellow belt division. Tanya Lemaire took third place in the Brown belt division in kata. Of note, after leading in his match, Jay Miller took a disqualification in kumite against a fellow Canadian from the Chikara Dojo. Pat Couperus (Ikkyu) was asked to join Team Fighting and was defeated against the defending blackbelt kumite champion. Two highlights from the trip were training with Sensei Richard Ruberto from New York City on the Thursday night and Hanshi Albert Mady Sunday morning. From Sensei Ruberto, members of the Toshikai Dojo learned some excellent bunkai for the basics and some very good anti-armlocks and avoidance of pressure point tactics. Hanshi Mady broke down Seisan and Sunsu kata in terms of correct waza and the many interpretations of bunkai.   Domo aregato Sensies especially for the bruises (marks of learning)! Pictures of this weekend can be seen in the Gallery at  One last news item is that three members of the Toshikai Dojo will be travelling to Windsor to test for shodan on the weekend on November 17th (They are in the process of writing their wills.).  Wish them luck!


General news about Isshinryu Karate
News from the City of Abbotsford, British Columbia.
News from Kenora, ON
News regarding the American Okinawan Karate Assocation (AOKA) and its events.
News from the City of Windsor, Ontario and the Chikara Dojo.
News from the City of Brandon, Manitoba and the West-Man Dojo.
News from the City of Cookstown, Ontario.
News from the City of Thunder Bay, Ontario and the Chitora Dojo, Chibushi Dojo, Satori Dojo, Toshikai Dojo and the Kokoro Dojo.
News from the City of Ottawa, Ontario and the Toshikai Dojo.